Midnight prayers 

Because I'm a creep, I was watching my husband sleep and I started to pray over him.  Anyone else do this?  Many times when I can't sleep in the middle of the night, I say "ok Lord, I'll pray" and I pray over my husband and children.  But I want to focus on our husbands… Continue reading Midnight prayers 

A gift you can give your husband everyday, that won’t cost you a thing 

The happiness of married life depends upon  small sacrifices with readiness and cheerfulness.               - John selden  When was the last time you selflessly did something for your husband?  Every wife (especially if she's a believer) should make it part of her day to serve her home but not only… Continue reading A gift you can give your husband everyday, that won’t cost you a thing 

Life is not perfect, but God is and that’s good enough for me. 

Recently I was sent not one but three lengthy messages from others who said my life was perfect and how this and that and how they wished this and that... here is the problem.. my life is not perfect. If you've followed this blog or my Instagram  this year you'd know how hard it's been… Continue reading Life is not perfect, but God is and that’s good enough for me. 

When “helping” and “nagging” collide. 

Ladies... How many times have you, instead of sitting down to talk to your husband do you nag him about his decisions? Or what he's doing? Maybe your hubby plays to much on his phone? Maybe he doesn't show care for certain parts of his life?   Am I the only wife that messes up?… Continue reading When “helping” and “nagging” collide. 

The secret Idol at home

Idols. When we think of idols we think of material possessions, a habit or even maybe a statue of some kind. Have you ever thought of your HUSBAND as an idol? One day I was invited to an overnight woman's retreat and I went, as we were sharing the things we hold so close that… Continue reading The secret Idol at home

Why I chose to love my husband at 16. 

We recently had family over from South America for my little sisters wedding.  As I got to know my now brother in law's family they got to know my story of how I got married at 16 to a boy I hardly knew.  As we spoke one of his family members said, " you must… Continue reading Why I chose to love my husband at 16.