1 easy way to simplify your walk with Jesus and why it might hurt your feelings

Correction. It feels terrible sometimes. But the Bible says it's GOOD! The Bible says that those that the Lord loves, he disciplines right? Many times it hurts our feelings when we are corrected, err I should say our ego. But I really want to share, One way that hurting your feelings will simplify your walk… Continue reading 1 easy way to simplify your walk with Jesus and why it might hurt your feelings

He is alive!

Today is a marvelous day, we rejoice in the power of the resurrection. We rejoice knowing that he defeated death and in Jesus Christ we are made new. We are forgiven and loved. He gave his life so that you and I may one day have the privilege of seeing the one who created us.… Continue reading He is alive!

Quitting the rat race and how to be happy

Is it just me or does the whole completion of life make you gag? Like, how crazy is it that we live in a world where we compete to see who has what? We legit get in debt with stuff we should not be buying to up one someone. That's crazy to me. It always… Continue reading Quitting the rat race and how to be happy

How the modern mom is losing spiritually

Last night I stayed up with my daughters praying and breathing words of life in to their lives. One of my daughters was under a spiritual attack and I had to recognize that it wasn’t a physical war against me. It was spiritually and so I had to put on my armor. Ephesians 6:11Put on… Continue reading How the modern mom is losing spiritually

Prayers for my youngest (so far)

When we pray for our children not only do we not want to repeat ourselves aimlessly, we must know our children and what they need prayer for but also we must pray for our children's future. Today I'm letting you all take a small peek of how I pray for our 9 month old son.… Continue reading Prayers for my youngest (so far)

I want more… I mean less.. wait.

It’s so easy to get lost in a world filled with advise. It’s so easy to get consumed by the amount of things we have at our fingertips. It’s so easy to waste time when we have gadgets that take us anywhere we want. It’s easy to start comparing when you have social media to… Continue reading I want more… I mean less.. wait.

Not pretty enough for this blogging thing.

I want you all to know that I’m thankful for the people who read my blogs. I am not the best at writing on schedule nor am I exciting. I share about the motherhood struggle (like 637373 other moms) and Jesus. I want to share with you a piece of my intimate blogging life. As… Continue reading Not pretty enough for this blogging thing.

The instagram Christian mom lie

I woke up today feeling a bit off, I realized I haven’t spent any good time with God in the last month. By good time I mean I'm choosing to clean/organize/post on Instagram/ watch shows (being Martha) over spending time with him (Choosing Mary). I feel so guilty when I realize that I've wasted time… Continue reading The instagram Christian mom lie

A gift you can give your husband everyday, that won’t cost you a thing 

The happiness of married life depends upon  small sacrifices with readiness and cheerfulness.               - John selden  When was the last time you selflessly did something for your husband?  Every wife (especially if she's a believer) should make it part of her day to serve her home but not only… Continue reading A gift you can give your husband everyday, that won’t cost you a thing 

Life is not perfect, but God is and that’s good enough for me. 

Recently I was sent not one but three lengthy messages from others who said my life was perfect and how this and that and how they wished this and that... here is the problem.. my life is not perfect. If you've followed this blog or my Instagram  this year you'd know how hard it's been… Continue reading Life is not perfect, but God is and that’s good enough for me.