My heart aches with thankfulness, even when it’s hard. 

I have been gone for a very long time on here it seems. I truly try my best to write but the honest truth is sometimes my mind is so filled with ideas and things that I decide to keep them to myself in fear that people will think I'm crazy...though I know I am… Continue reading My heart aches with thankfulness, even when it’s hard. 

Why I choose to apologize to my children 

I'm sorry.... these two words that we are taught to say. Many times as mothers we say we're sorry for almost everything we do if it's not to our husbands, it's to a friend, or a family member and even a stranger but what about our children? Should we as mothers apologize to our children?… Continue reading Why I choose to apologize to my children 

Sweet pea baby 3 

After thinking about it, I would like to just share that I will be blogging about this pregnancy.  Now, it won't be much but it will be once a month as baby grows, and as I grow into a mother of three children. I will be posting gender, milestones, my worries and our victories in… Continue reading Sweet pea baby 3