Advent calendar week 

I’ve been so busy lately but I was able to capture some clips of the last week of advent calendar activities. 

Day 5 : “Happy birthday dad, let’s go get a tree”. 

We have a tradition in our family where every year on my husband’s birthday we go get our tree but we realized our daughters weren’t old enough to realize it so it all came to them as a surprise. I’m sure one day they will no longer be surprised but it, but still excited none the less. 

We love going to a this family owned farm wayyyyyy opposite of where we live, not only are we supporting small family owned business but they have all the works. Hot chocolate, farm animals to look at, acres and acres of different trees to choose from and they have Elvis… yes, Elvis. Elvis the donkey! 

Day 6: 

We went out and bought all our Secret Santa gifts. In our family we don’t buy everyone a gift instead we choose from a hat every thanksgiving to see who we get. Shhhhhh 

Day 7: decorated our tree, I know it took us a while to find decorations we all liked. Also the girls wanted to decorate it all on their own and it turned out beautiful! 

Day 8: 

We had fun building a cardboard race track for our hot wheels obsession. 

Day 9: 

We played in the snow we got here at home! 

Day 10: we baked cookies, I didn’t get a picture since they were gone before I pulled out my camera! 

Day 11: 

We surprised the girls with a trip to the mountain here for snow, and my family came along. Did I mention there was a blizzard?! And it was 22 degrees! 

Day 12: we made our gingerbread village that daddy came home with. 

Day 13: make a snowman, we are getting snow here but not much so we drive an hour away and we are filled with snow! 

Oh man, phew what a week! 

I hope to keep it up but goodness it’s hard to stop and document everything we do haha 

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